
Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time (film)

Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time is a 2010 action fantasy film based on the video game series Prince of Persia created by Jordan Mechner. Plot · Production · Release · Reception

Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time

Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time is a 2003 action-adventure game developed by Ubisoft Montreal and published by Ubisoft. The game was released on the ... Gameplay · Plot · Development · Reception

Prince of Persia®

評分 4.5 (4,082) Amidst the scorched sands of ancient Persia, there is a legend spun in an ancient tongue. It speaks of a time borne by blood and ruled by deceit.

在Steam 購買Prince of Persia®

評分 9/10 (4,051) 系統需求 · Supported OS: Windows® 2000/XP (only) · Processor: 800 MHz Pentium® III or AMD Athlon™ · System Memory: 256 MB of RAM

Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time : 電動遊戲

評分 3.1 (9) 產品詳細資訊 · 製造商停產: 否 · 包裹尺寸: 18.8 x 13.6 x 1.6 厘米; 140.62 公克 · 項目型號: PRINCEOFPERSIAS · 首度推出日: 1 月15, 2007 · 製造商: UBI SOFT · ASIN: ...

Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time : Unknown

評分 3.8 (155) 當一位年輕的王子發現一把古老的匕首時,它會導致一個偉大的邪惡降臨他父親的土地。 遏制這些黑暗力量的唯一方法是通過控制時間的Sands Of Time 不可能的壯舉。

Prince of Persia®: The Sands of Time

評分 4.4 (214) The Prince returns to the exotic Persia. After his father invades the palace of the Maharajah, the Prince, tricked by a treacherous vizier, ...

Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time (2010)

評分 6.5/10 (310,423) A young fugitive prince and princess must stop a villain who unknowingly threatens to destroy the world with a special dagger that enables the magic sand inside ...

Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time

評分 37% (228) In the holy city of Alamut resides the Sands of Time, which gives mortals the power to turn back time. After leading an attack on the city, Dastan (Jake ... Prince of Persia · 228 Reviews · View All videos ·

Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time

Originally released in 2003, Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time left its mark with players thanks to innovative gameplay, a compelling story and charismatic ...


PrinceofPersia:TheSandsofTimeisa2010actionfantasyfilmbasedonthevideogameseriesPrinceofPersiacreatedbyJordanMechner.Plot·Production·Release·Reception,PrinceofPersia:TheSandsofTimeisa2003action-adventuregamedevelopedbyUbisoftMontrealandpublishedbyUbisoft.Thegamewasreleasedonthe ...Gameplay·Plot·Development·Reception,評分4.5(4,082)AmidstthescorchedsandsofancientPersia,thereisalegendspuninanancien...